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Solar Junction Box Manufacturer India & Solar Combiner Box Manufacturer India

Solar ACDB

The ACDB (Alternative Current Distribution Box) receives the AC Power from the solar inverter and directs it to AC loads through the Distribution Board. ACDB includes necessary Surge Protection Device (SPD) and MCB/MCCB to Protect the Solar Inverter from any type of damage or Heavy Voltage. Generally Specification of ACDB may change as per load or inverter Capacity. ACDB is also called AC Solar Combiner Box Manufacturer India.

Solar DCDB

DCDB Provide Interconnection between the Solar PV modules and the output leads to the Solar Inverter. And DCDB Protect the Solar System if there is any fault during Failure in DC side. The DCDB is Customized for Different Configuration, based on the number of string of solar PV modules used in System. It also have SPD to save your system from any surge occurred due to fault or any other Phenomenon. DCDB also called AJB (Array solar junction box Manufacturer India).

Solar Feeder Panel

Solar Feeder Panels Provide local isolation to your electrical distribution equipment’s and protects the system from Faults. Feeder panels allow simple and local maintenance to your equipment, reducing site downtime and reducing overall maintenance costs. We can offer a comprehensive range of feeder panels which come fully assembled to meet your specification, allowing easy onsite installation.

Solar metering cubicle

We gives lots of choice in Solar metering cubical for selection of CT, Meter and Modular Construction. Solar Metering Panel is used to measure Energy Generated and Transmitted to grid. And the Data Provided by Metering Cubical is also Helpful for load analysis and energy audits. With the help of metering cubical we can record Power factor for reactive power management.

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